Generally when using S3 the filtering has to be done on the application connecting to S3, well with S3 select S3 can handle filtering through simple SQL queries and can significantly decrease the load and time your other services and machines would spend on filtering and then it’ll send the much smaller filtered data. Regarding…
Author: admin
Post #125 (AWS) – S3 requester pays and S3 event notifications
In S3 if a user downloads an object, you pay for network cost associated with that download. If you utilize requester pays, then that cost is payed by the user downloading that file. The only caveat is the user must me authenticated in AWS, it cannot just be an anonymous user who is charged. This…
Post #124 (AWS) – S3 storage classes
In S3 you have different storage classes that objects are stored in with different rules of access and costs. To start off we have standard access, this offers low latency and high throughput, is the more expensive option and is useful for big data analytics with 99.99% availability. Next up we have Standard IA, infrequent…
Post #123 (AWS) – S3 replication
To start off if you do choose to use S3 replication you will need to have versioning enabled on the source and destination buckets being used. You have two options for replication, Cross-Region Replication, CRR and, Same-Region Replication, SRR. When you enable replication, objects from one bucket are replicated asynchronously to another bucket and this…
Post #122 (AWS) – S3 Versioning
S3 versioning is enabled at the bucket level and it allows for you to “version” objects on your bucket. Essentially what this does is it allows for you to easily roll back objects and protect against accidental deletion. When you enable versioning, if you update an object and overwrite the old object, you can check…
Post #121 (AWS) – S3 website
In AWS S3 you can actually enable a static webpage for your S3 bucket. You simply make the content publicly available utilizing a bucket policy and enable the static webpage, you can then upload your index.html file as your main page! Once you have your index.html file uploaded to your bucket, your bucket policy allows…
Post #120 (AWS) – AWS S3 Bucket policy
You can apply policies to S3 in order to increase security. To start off you can assign IAM permissions to users, allowing or denying access to the bucket. You can get even more granular with a bucket ACL and even an object ACL that offers more specific security by attaching the ACL to the bucket…
Post #119 (AWS) – AWS S3
AWS’s S3 is best advertised as “infinitely scaling storage”. It utilizes buckets (directories) which contain objects (files). These buckets are created at the region level, but the name must be unique across all regions and all accounts. The max object size is 5 TB and if the upload size is greater than 5 GB, then…
Post #118 (AWS) – Elastic Beanstalk
The job of a solutions architect can be meticulous, creating the ASGs, ELB, RDS databases, etc. That’s where Elastic Beanstalk comes in. It bundles all of those service together into one managed service over one interface. You can connect and change individual settings as needed. It can handle capacity, scaling, health monitoring, instance configuration, etc….
Post #117 (AWS) – Instantiating applications in AWS
In order to deploy your infrastructure more efficiently in AWS you can utilize a golden AMI. This is a machine image you create by installing everything you need, applications, dependencies, etc, on an EC2 instance and take an image from that and use that to deploy more instances. This will save a lot of time…