I think it is important to note that you can use third party domain registrars to purchase your domains and still manage them within Route 53. All you will need to do is create your hosted zone on Route 53, verify the name servers used in the details and change the name servers on your…
Category: Uncategorized
Post #115 (AWS) – IP-based routing policy and multi-value routing policy in Route 53
IP based routing policy is fairly straight forward you define a set of IPs in a CIDR block and IPs in that range go to a specified endpoint. An example of a use case would be a certain ISP placing a group of users in a CIDR group and you could use IP-based routing to…
Post #114 (AWS) – EVEN MORE ROUTING POLICIES IN ROUTE 53, Geolocation and Geoproximity
First off let’s talk about Geolocation, this routing policy is used to connect your users to an instance based on their physical location, it can be a country, continent, or even down to a US State. This is useful if you need users in France to be connected to a French based application, as well…
Post #113 (AWS) – Failover Routing Policy in Route 53
This routing policy is fairly simply it is just an active-passive failover. You have one record that is the primary instance, a health check is sent to that and if that instance fails it moves to the secondary record which you can attach an optional health check to. So for example if you have…
Post #112 (AWS) – Health checks for Route 53
In the good world of Route 53 you have 3 different types of health checks. These are endpoint health checks, calculated health checks, and cloud watch alarm health checks. Now what is a health check for? Well if your endpoint doesn’t return a healthy response then you can have your DNS set to failover to…
Post #111 (AWS) – Simple Routing Policy, Weighted Routing Policy, and Latency-based Routing Policy
In Route 53 you have different routing policies for how Route 53 responds to DNS queries the first three are rather simple so I’ll go over them in the same post. Simple routing is actually the simplest and most straight forward. If you have one value listed for example www.example.com maps to an A record…
Post #110 (AWS) – The differences between a CNAME and an ALIAS
First off let’s start with CNAME, this maps a hostname to another hostname. CNAME does not work on the root domain so website.com won’t work but app.website.com will work. So for example you could set app.website.com to map to the DNS name of your load balancer that links to your EC2 hosts running your website…
Post #108 (AWS) – Amazon Route 53
Amazon Route 53 is AWS’s DNS service offering. It is an authoritative DNS meaning that you are able to update your own DNS records. Route 53 even includes a domain registrar similar to GoDaddy. You have multiple record types similar to traditional DNS, the basic ones are A name for ipv4 host names, AAAA for…
Post #107 (AWS) – Specific ports of storage options in RDS
First off is MySQL and a MariaDB which utilizes port 3306. Microsoft SQL Server uses port 1433. Oracle DB accompanies port 1521. Finally Postgres uses 5432. It is important to ensure your security groups allow these ports through to your databases from the client device.
Post #106 (AWS) – Elasticache
Similar to how RDS is a managed Relation Database service. Elasticache is AWS’s managed cache service. Essentially how it works is Elasticache can cache user and database information for quick access. For example if a user makes a query to RDS that result is saved in Elasticache then the next time the user connects they…