So perhaps you have configured your security group has planned, verified the public IP on your node, but can’t SSH. So how do you SSH? Well on Windows 10 and up as well as linux and SSH you can generate a key pair from the EC2 console, be sure to select pem file and run the following command to connect to the node, ec2-user is the default account created on the node
ssh -i Example.pem ec2-user@Example_IP
You may get an error regarding the file having too open permission. If you get that issue try and update the permissions to have owner have read only access if you are using this in windows the command is the same and you can right click the file in file explorer to update permissions.
chmod 400 Example.pem
If you are using PuTTY you won’t generate a PEM file you will generate a PPK, putty private key. You can then load the key into putty to successfully connection with PuTTY.