Yes you read that right, sending data physically in the mail. Let me elaborate, if you need to move several TB or even PB of data depending on the speed of your network that can take weeks, you may not have weeks. What the AWS snow family offers is the ability to send your data physically to AWS TB, PB, and even EB (exabytes) of data. The first offer is what is known as the snow cone a small hardware device that weighs a few pounds, this has the smallest amount of data about 10 to 24 TB. Next up we have the snowball which is a good bit larger than the snow cone and can hold PB of data. Finally we have the snow mobile which is a physical vehicle that hauls several hundred petabytes of data at a time, with 24/7 surveillance, security, and climate control. You cannot snow ball directly into glacier you’ll have to move data to S3 and then use a lifecycle policy to move it to glacier. Now the snow family is an amazing way to transfer large amounts of data, you can also use these devices as edge computing, say collecting data on a moving vehicle, at sea, underground, locations you normally may not be able to connect to the internet to compute data in the cloud and then have your snow cone or snowball used in computing sent back to amazon so you can analyze it! You can even get compute or storage optimized snowballs and traditional (HDD) or SSD snow cones. The data will then be put into an S3 bucket for your once the data is received from amazon