While print() is used to display data from the console, the input function accepts data from the console. You can set the input to a variable and use it in your code. You can also convert your input into a different data type by default it is a string str() but you can change it…
Category: Uncategorized
Post #34 (Python Programming) – Python Variables
This post will be rather short as there’s not much to say important things to note are that a variable is something you set and can later use in your code. Your variables cannot start with a number, contain spaces, or be a currently existing function such as print. You can also assign variables new…
Post #33 (Informational) – New Career tech video
I had done an interview with the career tech organization, which is on the main page of this website and they’ve just sealed a slightly update YouTube short! I thought I would share that hear, very impressive, and a big thank you to the Career Tech organization!
Post #32 (Python Programming) – Operators within Python
Python, although it is a very simple use of the language, is actually useful as a calculator. I will go through some of the examples with the print function and what their result would be. It is important to note with the exception of // if a float is contained in the command the result…
Post #31 (Python Programming) – Data types in Python
Today I’ve covered some of the data types in python I will just give each type and an example of what it might look like. Integer – 5 Float – 5.3 String – “Hello” Boolean(True or false) – True You can also use an escape character to add quotes within a string Code: print(“\”This is…
Post #30 (Python Programming) – The functionality of python’s print function
I was surprised to learn how versatile python’s print function was. You can pass multiple arguments, if you use /n in your screen it creates a new line, if you use sep it can change the default character of spaces between words into what you use and the end will change what that line ends…
Post #29 (Python Programming) – Finished my first Module of PCEP
Just finished my first module and I scored a 90% on the test, all from memory and no studying necessary. I’ve got python3 installed on my machine and I am excited to get into the more advanced stuff. Here is a little example of running python from the command line. As always if you have…
Post #28 (Python Programming) – The different types of python
In terms of the python programming language there are two major versions python 2 and python 3, while they seem very similar these are essentially two different languages. Python 2 is still around however Python 3 is the preferred version and will be what I will use moving forward. There are several different implementations of…
Post #27 (Informational) – Just started my python training
I have just begun my training with the python programming language. The training for this certification is a little slower so my posts will likely be shorter than they were during my studying for the VCP-DCV exam. To start off I discovered that Python is known as an interpreted language. This means that the language…
Post #26 (Informational) – Returning from vacation
Apologies for the long delay between this post and my last, right after earning my VCP-DCV 2023 I had decided to take a short break to re-energize and re-invigorate myself for future endeavors. I am considering developing my programming/scripting skills beyond running scripts and allow myself to utilize these skills for script creation. I would…