In EC2 you have six different volume types, I will provide an broad overview but for more information regarding specifications the AWS documentation is excellent. gp2/gp3 is SSD storage which balances price and performance for multiple types of workloads. io1/io2 is high throughput, high cost, SSD storage used for critical or high performance applications. st1…
Author: admin
Post #84 (AWS) – Instance stores
EBS in AWS is great, it’s a quick and easy way to get storage, but what if you want even better performance? Well that’s where instance stores come in. It is like connecting your EC2 instance directly to a physical drive on a server, you get much higher IOPS then you would on an EBS…
Post #83 (AWS) – AMI for EC2
AMI, or Amazon Machine Image, is a powerful tool used in AWS that allows you to build a custom prepackaged image or use a prepackaged image provided by a 3rd party vendor or amazon that includes configuration, software, monitoring etc. An advantage of this is your system will have a faster boot time as this…
Post #82 (AWS) – EBS snapshots
In AWS you have the ability to take a complete snapshot of you EBS volumes. How is this useful? In my previous post I mentioned snapshots are locked to their AZ, well if you create a snapshot of a volume you can restore it in a different AZ or even region! You have a few…
Post #81 (AWS) – Elastic Block Store, network drives in AWS
Elastic Block Store, EBS, is one of you storage options when you deploy instances. It is somewhat like a network drive, your EBS can stand by itself until you attach it to an instance. You can set the EBS to terminate on instance termination otherwise the EBS can be moved freely across instances along with…
Post #80 (AWS) – Hibernating instances
Let’s say you have an instance that has several applications that take too long to boot up, but you need to bring down the instance and not wait for those to applications to start back up when you need them to. Well you’re in luck! That’s where hibernate comes in you save the memory state…
Post #79 (AWS) – Elastic Network Interface
An Elastic Network Interwork, or ENI, is the virtual network card that you attach your EC2 instances to. These are not bound to your instances and they can be freely moved. Let’s say for example you have an ENI on one instance and you want to move it to another, that is something that is…
Post #78 (AWS) – EC2 placement groups
You have the ability to control how your EC2 instances are placed in AWS. You don’t have access to the specific hardware but you can create placement groups to ensure certain criteria is met. For starters you have the cluster placement group, this option allows for all of your EC2 instances to be placed on…
Post #77 (AWS) – EC2 elastic IP
When you deploy an ec2 instance it is assigned a public IP. Anytime you start or stop that instance there’s a chance that you could lose that IP. You get 5 elastic IP for your AWS account by default and this allows you to permanently assign a public IP to your instance. It is recommended…
Post #76 (AWS) – Spot fleet
A spot fleet is similar to a spot instance but instead of bidding for 1 instance you are bidding for multiple. You can set your max price and as long as you don’t go above that your instances will continue to run. Optionally, a spot fleet can also contain on-demand instances. When you create your…